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The Department follows the National Numeracy Strategy along with many other additional resources, including online resources, enrichment activities and extended tasks, to enhance a robust scheme of work.

Diverse, interesting and inspiring methods of teaching are used to augment pupils’ interest, understanding and confidence in the subject.

Lessons are taught for four 55 minute periods per week in years 7 - 11, in classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards and many other kinesthetic resources. Independent study is encouraged through structured, twice a week homework tasks including some based on an internet based programme, called Dr Frost.

We follow a rigorous cycle of assessment which provides specific feedback to each individual pupil and enables bespoke areas of improvement and focused targets.

Every week throughout the school year, there are opportunities for additional support at lunchtimes or after school by the mathematics department by invitation or on a ‘drop-in’ basis. These workshops take place on a variety of days providing valuable extra support which is greatly appreciated by pupils. Selected pupils are chosen to represent the school at the UKMT Maths Challenge and we have has great successes every year in the Junior, Intermediate and Senior challenges and successful candidates go through to the National Olympiad.

Year 7

The Year 7 course is based on

  • number
  • algebra
  • geometry
  • measures
  • probability
  • statistics

Pupils are encouraged to develop their problem-solving skills and study a varied curriculum which includes project based learning and extended homework tasks. Mathematics classes are reviewed termly after all the assessments, and pupils can move between groups depending on their individual needs.

Year 8

In Year 8, all pupils build on the foundations taught in Year 7. They study properties of

  • number
  • fractions
  • decimals
  • percentages
  • ratio
  • proportion
  • algebra
  • constructions
  • geometry
  • graphs
  • scale drawings
  • handling data

Extended homework tasks are set to enhance pupils’ awareness of practical and functional mathematics in society and the real world. Assessments are conducted during each term and mathematics groups are reviewed accordingly.

Year 9

In Year 9, pupils deepen their skills and understanding in

  • number
  • algebra
  • geometry
  • measures
  • statistics
  • probability

In preparation for the GCSE course. Rich tasks and project-based learning are continually used to raise pupils’ ability to problem solve and model real-life situations. The internal exam in June is used to set pupils ready to follow the higher or foundation tier at GCSE.


The department uses the Edexcel exam board.

The course is designed to assess what candidates know, understand and can do.  It will enable pupils to demonstrate their full potential and the course should also be enjoyable for all pupils.

At the end of the course pupils should be able to:-

  • Use and apply mathematics, making decisions to solve problems; to communicate mathematics and to develop skills of reasoning;
  • In number and algebra to understand place, value and the decimal system; to use relationships between numbers, to develop methods of computation, to solve numerical problems, to understand and use relationships, equations and formulae;
  • In shape and space to understand and use properties of position, movement and transformation and to understand and use measures;
  • In data handling to collect, process, represent and interpret data, to estimate and calculate probabilities.
Scheme of assessment

This course is assessed in Year 11 based on 100% external examinations.

There are two tiers of entry: higher and foundation.

After discussion with pupils and parents, pupils will be entered at the tier most appropriate to their attainment.