Junior School
For children aged three to eleven, the Junior School provides a wonderful start to formal education.
Happy, lively classes have caring staff who are able to nurture children as individuals and cater for different stages of development.
All years are taught in small classes by their Form Teacher; with early specialist teaching given in a number of key areas.
A full range of sporting fixtures and musical, theatrical and creative opportunities allow children to broaden their horizons at this important stage of their lives.
All children participate in a wide range of extra-curricular activities. These take place throughout the day, before lessons, at lunch times and after school. With over 50 age-appropriate activities each week, there is something for everyone!

Pastoral care is an essential part of school life, overseeing the development of the children and ensuring a happy atmosphere throughout Hill House School. Staff are always available to parents to discuss any concerns that they may have.
Our caring approach, and the pupils’ involvement in a wide range of activities, promote self-confidence and give every child the opportunity to excel.
Children have many opportunities to explore the modern covered outdoor area, with facilities which include an all-weather playground, digging and growing area, wildlife garden and activity space, a sandpit, climbing frame and outdoor musical sensory area.
Nursery children enter Reception aged four. Our focus is on the development of the whole child: children are encouraged to expand their ideas, understanding and language as they begin to assimilate the knowledge, concepts and skills that will give them a solid base to build on throughout their lives.
We aim to help produce confident and competent learners who are able to communicate effectively. The younger children are taught in classes of no more than twenty by their form teacher for the majority of their lessons. High quality teaching and small classes are fundamental to our aims.
In addition to the standard National Curriculum, children in Junior School learn French from Year 1 and have Music and Sport from specialist teachers.
The National Curriculum forms the basis of our teaching. We give a generous amount of time to the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. Foreign Languages are introduced at an early age, with children learning French and Spanish from specialist teachers.
Sport, Music and Creative Arts are all important parts of the daily life of the school. From Year 3, there is a full programme of sports’ fixtures against other schools. There are full games’ afternoons from Year four upwards. Children benefit from a vibrant programme of both day and residential trips. There are two large junior productions each year, and a number of presentations.

The Early Years curriculum is delivered by qualified, highly-experienced professionals, in bright spacious rooms with an inviting outdoor area.
Mathematics and English are key subjects but specialist teaching in Science, Languages, Art, Drama, Information Technology, Music and Sport play a large part as children prepare for an easy transition to the Senior School.
Curriculum continuity is a significant factor in the smooth transition between our Nursery and Reception. Our planning and structure continue to support and reflect the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, ensuring that the individual child and their family are at the centre of all learning.
Children who attend Hill House School are encouraged to become independent, critical thinkers with enquiring minds. Along with an educationally rich learning environment, pupils receive weekly specialist teaching in music, drama, ICT and PE.

Over half a million children are educated at independent schools in Great Britain. Research tells us that:
The average independent school graduate will earn in their lives 33% more than their state counterparts.
The average independent schoolteacher teaches almost half the number of children than a colleague in a state school.
We are delighted you are considering joining Hill House School.
Enhanced rather than constrained by tradition, and with an ideology-centered in excellence, we aim to give our students everything they need for the next step of their education and career.