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Geography is a fascinating and varied subject which helps pupils to understand more about the world in which they live. It develops a number of different skills including describing and analysing data, map skills and encouraging attitudes and views. Our aim is to promote a love of geography, both human and physical. All pupils study geography in Years 7 and 8, after which it becomes an optional subject.

Year 7

  • Around the world – pupils begin with an introduction to the characteristics of the world’s continents and the skills an outstanding geographer will develop.
  • Ethical geographies – an exploration of the ethical and moral debates in development geography in the context of the geography of food.
  • Map skills – the use of OS maps and atlases. We specifically look at developing compass skills, using scales and grid references and interpreting contour lines and map symbols.

Year 8

  • Ecosystems – understanding the location and characteristics of the earth’s main ecosystems; focusing ultimately on rainforests and our dependence and impacts on them.
  • Fire – investigating plate tectonics and the distribution, impacts and management of volcanic hazards.
  • National Parks and tourism – exploring the characteristics of the UK’s National Parks and the positive and negative impacts of tourism on them.

Year 9

  • Global challenges – investigating the causes and impacts of the global ‘development gap’ and strategies to minimise it.
  • UK challenges – in preparation for GCSE study pupils explore a range of challenges facing the UK over the next 50 years. This include the impacts of population change, the UK’s two speed economy, migration and climate change. Pupils will also consider the ways we can manage these challenges.
  • Coasts – pupils will gain an understanding of the coastal processes that shape our island and the growing importance of coastal management.


Pupils will follow the Edexcel GCSE, specification A.

So many of the world's current issues, at a global scale and locally, are related to geography, and need the geographers of the future to help us understand them. Global warming and its effects on countries and regions, water and energy security, the degradation of land and soils from over-use and misuse, the spread of disease, the causes and consequences of migration, and the impacts of economic change on places and communities. These are just some of the challenges facing the next generation, which geographers must help solve.

GCSE geography is an exciting subject which explores these significant issues. It is a subject which will provide you with a comprehensive skill set to engage with a range of contemporary geographical issues. These skills include analysing data, explaining geographical theories, evaluating different issues through decision making, thinking critically and considering different viewpoints and opinions. It is one of the few subjects which combine the skills of both the arts and the sciences in interpretation and analysis.

Component 1: The Physical environment

Topic 1: The changing landscapes of the UK: Coastal landscapes and processes; River landscapes and processes

Topic 2: Weather hazards and climate change

Topic 3: Ecosystems, biodiversity and management

Component 2: The Human environment

Topic 4: Changing cities

Topic 5: Global development

Topic 6: Resource management

Component 3: Geographical investigation

Topic 7: Fieldwork – physical and human based fieldwork

Topic 8: UK challenges

Scheme of assessment

Paper 1: 1 hour 30      37.5% of GCSE

Paper 2: 1 hour 30      37.5% of GCSE

Paper 3: 1 hour 30      25% of GCSE