Religious Studies
Year 7 (PPE)
In Year 7 pupils begin their philosophical enquiry by exploring the concept of identity. They will encounter a variety of key philosophers such as; John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Rene Descartes and Gilbert Ryle. Pupils enjoy debating ideas such as Dualism, Materialism, Physicalism and Artificial intelligence. Pupils also enjoy a unit on Ethics, investigating the concepts of duty and consequences, the divine command theory and the moral argument. Pupils further enjoy Nietzsche’s perspective on the divine and morality. Year 7 then apply their findings to evaluate ideas surrounding creation, evil and suffering.
Year 8 (PPE)
In Year 8 ethical debate begins through the exploration of Plato’s Ring of Gyges. They move onto discover and evaluate the normative ethical theories of situation and utilitarian ethics, rounded off by applying their findings to animal rights and the ethics of chocolate. Within their philosophical studies, pupils enjoy investigating the topic of reality and perception through the eyes of Plato and Descartes. They move onto evaluate Freud and Marx’ perspective on the divine.
Year 9 (Philisophy and Ethics)
Pupils in Year 9 investigate and evaluate key concepts surrounding beliefs in life, death and the afterlife. They enjoy a variety of topics surrounding medical ethics, such as; abortion, euthanasia, fertility treatment, genetic engineering, organ donation and transplantation. They further explore current environmental ethical debates. As the year progresses pupils investigate and debate issues surrounding crime and punishment including capital punishment and the prison system. Pupils also enjoy learning about attitudes surrounding war and relationships.
Pupils will follow the Edexcel GCSE, specification B – Beliefs in Action.
If you enjoy discussing and debating, if you have an open and enquiring mind and seek to discover more about the meaning of life and our place in the universe, religious studies is for you. This subject provokes challenging questions about the meaning and purpose of life, beliefs, the self, issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human. It prompts you to consider your responsibilities to yourself and to others and to explore how you might contribute to your community and to wider society. It encourages empathy, generosity and compassion. Furthermore, it enables you to build your sense of identity and belonging, which helps you flourish within your community and as citizens in a diverse society. We will study philosophy and ethics from the perspective of Atheism, Christianity and Islam.
Assessment: There will be two, 1 hour 45 minute, exams at the end of Year 11 representing the units of study described below. No coursework is required.
Prospects: Religious studies is highly regarded, particularly among professions that work directly with people eg law, politics, business and medicine. You will also develop your writing skills which will benefit you in all your further studies, particularly in the arts and humanities subjects. The Russell Group of top universities has made it clear that this GCSE and the A Level provide 'suitable preparation for university generally.' Religious studies is simply a valued academic subject.
First half: Religion and Ethics
- Christian beliefs
- Marriage and the Family
- Living an ethical life
- Life after death
Second half: Religion, Peace, and Conflict
- Muslim beliefs
- Crime and punishment
- Living and ethical life
- Peace and conflict