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Open Days

Our next Open Event is the Open Doors Afternoon on Friday 7 March 2025. 

Open Doors Afternoon is a fantastic way to visit the school...

On arrival, you will be given a tour by one of our welcoming and insightful pupils who can give you a comprehensive take on Hill House School life. You will see classrooms, teachers and pupils in action and be able to speak to Teachers, Senior Staff and the Admissions Team about Hill House life!

We recommend registering in advance for Open Doors Afternoon so that we can offer you the best visit possible. 

Private Tours

We welcome prospective families to the school for a private tour, which are available most weekdays during term-time. 

Private Tours of the school are provided by our Headmaster or Head of Junior/Senior School and allow parents to see first-hand our amazing facilities, meet staff and pupils, and get a real feel for Hill House and our family environment. We offer morning and afternoon tours Monday to Friday during school hours.

Alternatively, you can call our Admissions' Secretary, Miss Ward on 01302 776300

We look forward to welcoming you to Hill House!