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Outstanding GCSE Results

Pupils at Hill House are overjoyed this week as they received an outstanding set of GCSE results. Despite their studies being disrupted by COVID, the Auckley school recorded its best ever GCSE results, with 75% of all GCSEs gaining 9-7, and a massive 48% gaining the top 9 and 8 grades.

Top performers included Kian Tamjidi, Sanjeev Singh, Anya Goel, Farhan Khan and Ishita Singh, who all secured clean sweeps of grade 9s.

Niamh Doody, in addition to playing cricket for Nottinghamshire, also secured 2 grade 9s, 2 grade 8s and 3 grade 7s, while Joe Eves looks to launch his professional rugby career supported by a full house of grade 7s and above. Daniel Norton was very pleased with his full set of GCSE results and now heads to the US to pursue an ice hockey career.

Headmaster David Holland was delighted with the results, saying:

“This is a super year group, and our pupils earned their grades through massive amounts of hard work both by them and their teachers. Throughout the various lockdown periods we kept our full timetable working online. Staff and pupils worked together to make sure they kept their momentum and these results are a vindication of that approach. The pupils are very deserving of these fantastic results, especially in these difficult times.  

We are extremely proud of their ability, resilience and positive attitudes. They are very well set to move on to the Sixth Form with great confidence.”







