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Hill House Celebrates Annual Speech Day 2024

This week we hosted our much-anticipated annual Speech Day, marking a significant celebration of pupils’ achievements and Hill House community spirit.

We were proud to welcome a record number of families to the day, commencing with the Junior Prizegiving in the morning and followed by the Senior Prizegiving in the afternoon.

The Chair of Governors, Mrs. Joan Fearns, attended both ceremonies with her inspiring address and presented awards to the diligent and high-achieving pupils. Her speeches resonated with the audience, highlighting the dedication and perseverance of the pupils throughout the academic year.

Mrs Fearns also referred to the exciting developments that the school has to look forward to in the next academic year with the opening of New Court, providing additional school facilities across the years and subjects at Hill House.

The Junior Prizegiving set a joyous tone for the day, with younger pupils receiving recognition for their hard work. The afternoon session continued the celebration, acknowledging the senior pupils' accomplishments and bidding farewell to the Upper Sixth who will now join the growing Hill House Alumni and remain an integral part of the Hill House community.

Headmaster Mr David Holland expressed his gratitude towards the Hill House families for their support and spoke about the fantastic achievements, skills and resilience that our Upper Sixth leave the school with, thanks to their experiences at Hill House.

With a number of musical interludes during both ceremonies and music, drama, and art, activities for parents and children to enjoy as part of the day’s proceedings, Hill House School's Speech Day 2024 was not just a testament to academic excellence but also a celebration of the vibrant community spirit that defines the school.