The Adventure Begins...
With the start of the new school year just around the corner, some children may be feeling nervous about what is to come. Particularly those who are heading in to Year 7. Leaving behind the familiarity of their junior school can be quite daunting to some. That is why we asked Harry to write a few words of encouragement to those who are taking that leap into the unknown world of senior school. Harry knows exactly how our new Year 7s are feeling as he was in their shoes this time last year.
Take it away, Harry…
Most students associate the end of Junior School with one thing - the entrance exam! Once this was over though, normal service resumed but I definitely had the underlying feeling that it was my last few months in Junior School. Going from being the eldest to being the youngest was quite a daunting thought. However, the fact that I was going to have more freedom, responsibility and opportunity was very exciting.
The next stepping-stone was ‘moving up day’. My first glimpse at what life would be like in Senior School. This really put my mind at rest before the end of term and then it was the summer holidays.
Summer came and went in no time and suddenly it was that day; Senior School was finally here. Putting on my brand new blazer and house tie made this feel so real and off I went to school. I had a mix of emotions. I was simultaneously nervous and excited.
Being able to arrive at school and spend time with my friends in form was the first privilege I encountered, helping to ease me into the day. Break time was a little bit different, but better, because I could stay inside, go to the woods or just chat to my friends outside. I could even play table tennis if I fancied.
I received my new timetable, which encompassed a wider range of subjects, some of which I had never studied before, such as Latin. I knew this was going to be a challenge, but I embraced this whole-heartedly. After just a few hours, I already knew I was going to enjoy the challenges that would face me in Senior School.
The best part about the first week was the Year 7 sleepover. It was a great chance to have fun and interact with friends, old and new. We played lots of games, ate ice-cream and drank hot chocolate until late in the evening.
If I could offer any advice to the new Year 7s it would be:
- Take every opportunity that you can to try out new things and experiences
- Always attempt to do your homework on the day it is given (you will be thankful for this on the weekend!)
- Strive to be a positive role model for other students
Most importantly, work hard, have fun and enjoy Year 7!
by Harry Humphreys, Year 8
Just like Harry, we hope our new starters embrace their time at Hill House School and, above all, enjoy being back in the classroom with their peers. We are looking forward to seeing you all on Monday!